Ultimate FAQs
The youngest toddlers can be stimulated and engaged on a visit to the zoo, even if they just look and listen from afar (or from the comfort of your arms). Older kids at the zoo can delve more deeply into the fascinating elements of animal life, like what they eat or where they live, as they listen to a (brief) trainer talk or watch (or even participate in) a feeding. Even though the fun and learning quotients are high, it’s still best to keep your zoo trip to about two hours, which is the max that munchkins can manage without getting tired or cranky. One more word to the wise: If possible, take kids to the zoo when the crowds are smaller (during the week, during the day).
The youngest toddlers can be stimulated and engaged on a visit to the zoo, even if they just look and listen from afar (or from the comfort of your arms). Older kids at the zoo can delve more deeply into the fascinating elements of animal life, like what they eat or where they live, as they listen to a (brief) trainer talk or watch (or even participate in) a feeding. Even though the fun and learning quotients are high, it’s still best to keep your zoo trip to about two hours, which is the max that munchkins can manage without getting tired or cranky. One more word to the wise: If possible, take kids to the zoo when the crowds are smaller (during the week, during the day).
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Making a Zoo Visit With Toddlers