Ultimate FAQs


The youngest toddlers can be stimulated and engaged on a visit to the zoo, even if they just look and listen from afar (or from the comfort of your arms). Older kids at the zoo can delve more deeply into the fascinating elements of animal life, like what they eat or where they live, as they listen to a (brief) trainer talk or watch (or even participate in) a feeding. Even though the fun and learning quotients are high, it’s still best to keep your zoo trip to about two hours, which is the max that munchkins can manage without getting tired or cranky. One more word to the wise: If possible, take kids to the zoo when the crowds are smaller (during the week, during the day).

Making a Zoo Visit With Toddlers

  • Read (and sing) all about it. Your animal lover will enjoy his zoo visit even more if he knows a bit about what and who he’ll encounter. Look at books highlighting the creatures that live at the zoo (pop-ups or books that make sounds are particularly fun with this subject matter). Watch a tot-friendly video about animals, and of course, sing songs about animals and the noises they make: “Pop Goes the Weasel” and “Down by the Bay” (“did you ever see a llama wearing pajamas?”) are two tried-and-true winners. If you’ve ever taken your tot to a children’s circus, remind him of the animals he saw there — he might be able to spot them again!
  • Dress for success. Comfy walking shoes are a must for your tot (and for you). And since zoos have both indoor and outdoor areas (not to mention a chilly reptile house and that hot and humid aviary), dress in layers and take along a jacket and sun hat so you’re both comfortable no matter the micro-climate.
  • Pack healthy snacks. Aside from animals, zoos are full of ice-cream carts and cotton-candy stands, which can sabotage your visit with a battle over treats or, if you give in, a sugar-spiked crash and burn. Bypass the junk food and boost your kid’s energy by bringing healthy treats from home. (If you do allow a special treat on your kid’s day out, buy it as you go to soften the blow of leaving.)
  • Bring (or rent) a stroller. Even the hardiest walker can get tuckered out by all the terrain you’ll cover walking around the zoo.

The youngest toddlers can be stimulated and engaged on a visit to the zoo, even if they just look and listen from afar (or from the comfort of your arms). Older kids at the zoo can delve more deeply into the fascinating elements of animal life, like what they eat or where they live, as they listen to a (brief) trainer talk or watch (or even participate in) a feeding. Even though the fun and learning quotients are high, it’s still best to keep your zoo trip to about two hours, which is the max that munchkins can manage without getting tired or cranky. One more word to the wise: If possible, take kids to the zoo when the crowds are smaller (during the week, during the day).

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